7:33am Saturday -- Sara calls to inform me we are leaving at 9:30. She did indeed think about it during the night and worried we wouldn't be leaving early enough.
8:38am -- memory cards...check. Batteries...check. Props..check. Tripod..check. ...do I have everything...what am I missing? ............heh. Camera. Check. ( yes I did almost forget my camera..don't hate.)
9:10am-- let dog out.
9:14am-- call for dog.
9:14 1/2am-- dog doesn't come.
9:16am-- I realize I can't find the dog. Call Sara in frantic..warn her I will be late.
I can now picture the whole day. Dog goes missing to never return. We are late for wedding...pictures get crammed into now small amount of time because I lost the dog. Everyone's day is ruined.
9:17 am-- dog is at front door.
9:37am-- am now with Sara and we are making a cough drop, alka setzer, juice run at Walmart. Why you ask? Oh yes...my immune system decided this was a good week to not work.
9:46-11:58am-- many humorous conversations between me and Sara which we cannot mention without our lawyer present. One of these about her getting pulled over by a cop this morning though. I just feel compelled that everyone should know about this.
10:48am-- gave a jerk driver the stank eye.
10:58am-- go to Mcds to order lunch. The lady in the speaker box says we aren't serving lunch for a couple minutes. ......really? .....we wait.
11:00 am-- we can now order lunch.
11:34am-- I am singing into my toilet paper roll to Sara.
11:35am-- Sara changes the station.
11:49am-- turned left on a mountain road where we couldn't see on coming traffic. Screamed a lot. We survived.
11:58am-- I got stuck in the grocery stores bathroom stall and Sara ditched me...I coulda been in there forever...........
4:46pm-- in car on way to reception. Rehashing the day so far...looking at just a few pictures and ooing over the creaminess of them and how cute of a couple aarika and Jon are!
7:38pm-- took what Sara called a shortcut to get to the car so I could grab some stuff. Ended up being the really long way and I got lost in the parking lot.
7:43--documented certain unnamed people "decorate" bride and grooms car. Classic line from this moment "we have sugar, cake, and soap...let's go!"
8:04pm-- said our goodbyes gave everyone hugs...I loudly shouted "don't forget the cake!" to Sara on the way out...once again proving I have a loudmouth.
8:15pm-- on our way home. My shoes are off smelling like death wrapped in vinegar garbage. Let's hope Sara has enough oxygen in this car so she can drive us home safely.
8:50-9:03pm-- me and Sara are screaming and dancing while some idiot tailgates us the whole time.
9:04pm-- that idiot passes us....he is a police car under cover.
9:06pm-- due to our mad rapping skillz we now nave ghetto names. You are to refer to us as Dirty Bit and Swaager.

Aarika & Jon,
two of thee sweetest people you will ever meet.
So sweet they'll give you cavities.
Except...you don't mind them sticking around.
Hmm..maybe that wasn't a good comparison.
They were our first wedding of the year, and we couldn't have been more thankful.
You two were perfect!
We know you will be together forever :D
Which one of you is Dirty Bit & which one is Swaager? I love these names <3 Why did you ditch her Sara?